Funeral & Cremation Services in Lexington, TN
Contact Us to Arrange Services for a Loved One
Honoring the Departed & Their Families
Stanfill Funeral Home & Cremation is a locally owned and operated funeral home serving the communities in and around Henderson County with funeral and cremation services. Located in Lexington, TN, we are committed to helping families deal with funerals, burials, and cremation in their times of need. Our licensed staff values your trust and is ready to discuss any of our services with you to create a plan customized to your family’s unique wishes and needs for a loved one. If you have lost someone and wish to honor their passing and celebrate the life they led, we gladly provide a place and services to ensure the best possible experience. We can start the process with a funeral planning checklist and make arrangements tailored to your vision and preferences.

A Fully Licensed Establishment in Henderson County
After a loved one departs from this world, you need a funeral home with ample experience and impressive credentials to take care of cremation, funeral arrangements, other services. Stanfill Funeral Home & Cremation has these traits and more with our staff’s training and passion for helping families through their losses. Owners and Funeral Assistants Max and Sally Stanfill started our funeral home and crematory with a vision of providing these services to families throughout the area, catering to their needs and making the process as smooth and respectful as possible. Our licensed funeral director and embalmer, Malarey Gordon, is a licensed professional with an Associate’s Degree in Funeral Services Arts and Science from John A. Gupton College in Nashville. She is also a Lexington native and a 2007 local high school graduate.

Serving the Community With Funeral & Cremation Services
Our comprehensive collection of funeral and cremation services encompasses all your needs when preparing for and dealing with the loss of a friend or family member. We recommend taking advantage of our pre-need services to help you prearrange and pre-fund a funeral. This service takes the burden off the rest of your family, and you can plan your own service and burial. Many people choose to handle their remains with cremation, and we can handle the process while you decide viewing or visitation details. The funeral is an essential part of grieving and saying goodbye, so we offer this service with great personalization as a way to honor your loved one’s unique life. Once the viewing or visitation is over, we provide burial services with options like grouped services and merchandise in customizable packages. Veterans deserve recognition for their selfless service to our country, so we honor their passing with various services specific to their lives.