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7/4/1940 – 5/27/2023

Joan Elizabeth Taylor passed away Saturday, May 27th, 2023 peacefully at her home surrounded
by family and friends at the age of 82. She was proceeded in death by her parents, Lois and
Excel Brown, her grandparents Ella Sipes Hughes and Arvalee Lee Brown, and her son Tony Alan
Taylor. She is survived by her husband of 66 years Butchie Taylor, her daughter Tammy Taylor
(Debbie), her son Ricky B. Taylor (Paula), and her brother Jimmy Brown (Janet), her
grandchildren, Andee Taylor Horton (Matthew), Heather Swafford, Tyler Ross, along with
eleven great grandchildren and one great-great grandson. Joan worked at the Henderson
County Court House in the Assessor’s Office and Register of Deeds’ office for 20 years. Prior to
this, she worked at the Lexington Metal Plant. Ms. Joan, better known as “Joanie Ronie” to
those that loved her, will be forever remembered as a classy lady with the kindest and sweetest
personality. She loved the sun, the beach, and rings on every finger. She loved lots of bling
especially anything in animal print and she was always up for an adventure. She will be greatly
missed. Thanks to all the family and friends who have given support during these last few
weeks and a special thanks to cousins Redonna Phillips, Lori Sims and Gayla Carey, who were
always willing to lend a hand. Also, to her best friend and sister-in-law, Joy Sue Woods for
always being there at a moment’s notice and keeping everyone fed. Her Celebration of Life
memorial will be held Thursday, June 1st, 2023 at the Stanfill Funeral Home & Cremation from

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