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11/25/1945 – 10/1/2024
Arthur Jensen passed away October 1st, 2024, after a long illness with lung cancer, at the age of 78. He was born on November 25th, 1945, in Woodstock, Illinois. He was one of eight children born to the late Morten C and Alice M. Jensen. He was a former Team Leader at Brake Parts in McHenry, IL for 22 years and retired from Northwestern Medical Hospital. Arthur was a Viet Nam Veteran of the United States Army. Being a die hard Cub fan he could answer any and all questions about baseball and other sports. As far as he was concerned there was only one team of Chicago and that was the Cubs. He was the same about beer, nothing but Old Style. His passion for crossword puzzles was the harder they were, the more challenging for him. He loved dancing, music, fishing, and bowling. Arthur is survived by his loving wife of 25 years, Cheryl Jensen. His sons, Jeff Jensen (Sue), McHenry, IL, Eric Jensen (Julie), Genoa City, WI, stepson, Jeff Brittain, Lavinia, TN, and Tracey Crowe (Jesse), Linden, TN; 12 grandchildren, Katelyn, Jeremy, Sammy, Joey Jensen, Sara, Ella, Mathew Jensen, Paulina, Jeslyn Crowe, Kaleb, Aubreigh Brittain, and Andrew Thiede. Other survivors include his one brother, John (Laura), Cary, IL, 4 sisters, Diana Schiff, Mary Hansen, Linda Jensen, and Peggy Stacey. He was preceded in death by his parents, an infant son Brian Phillip Jensen, a brother Ronald Jensen, and sister Nelle Anton.
Stanfill Funeral Home & Cremation in Lexington, TN handled arrangements.
Military burial will be held at Cary, IL.

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