Funeral Pre-planning FAQs in Lexington, TN
Benefits of Pre-planning a Funeral
Dealing with the death of a loved one is an overwhelming and painful experience. When a family member or loved one dies, there are many details to handle in addition to dealing with the shock and grief of loss. Pre-planning your funeral arrangements can help alleviate some of the burden that befalls family members, so that they can focus on grieving and celebrating the life that was lost.
Pre-planning ensures that your funeral services are carried out according to your wishes and avoids your family and loved ones having to make decisions under distressing circumstances. It can also help alleviate some of the financial burden of funeral costs by allowing for payment over time. There are a number of questions to ask when planning a funeral. Stanfill Funeral Home & Cremation is here to answer your questions and support you and your family through this difficult time.

What Is the Difference Between Pre-planning and Pre-funding?
Pre-planning refers to choosing all of the details of your funeral and interment arrangements. This can be as detailed as you wish to ensure that your wishes are carried out as you would like them. Pre-funding refers to payment in advance for any services you are planning, such as cemetery plot, services, casket, or cremation. Your funeral director will assist you in planning any details.
What if I Made Prior Arrangements With Another Funeral Home?
If you made previous arrangements, simply contact one of our experts and we will be happy to assist you in transferring your information. We will honor your wishes and make the transition as smooth as possible.
If I Have a Will, Why Do I Need to Pre-plan?
A will is a legal document that generally is read after the funeral. Often the release of funds as outlined in a will can be delayed, causing stress at an already stressful time. Pre-planning can provide your family with the security and peace of mind that the money to cover your final arrangements will be available when it is needed.
What Arrangements Can Be Pre-planned?
You can plan all of your final arrangements, from the funeral service, embalming, casket, or urn to the burial plot or vault. Special details like readings, flowers, pallbearers, and music can also be planned. We will help you consider every detail that matters to you, so you can have peace of mind.
Can I Pre-pay for My Funeral?
You are welcome to pay for any and all costs in advance. We offer payment plans that are affordable and will hold your money in a state-approved funding option until it is needed.
What Is Endowment Care?
Endowment care refers to cemetery grounds and facility maintenance. This usually requires a fee, along with the burial.
What if I Move or Change My Mind?
Your peace of mind is our number one priority. If your plans change, we will do everything we can to assist you in transferring any plans or arrangements to a new funeral home or cemetery.
How Can I Communicate My Wishes to My Family?
Stanfill Funeral Home & Cremation understands these conversations can be difficult. We are happy to help facilitate or provide guidance as you navigate this part of your life. It is important to reinforce the fact that the decisions and plans are being made to save them stress and additional pain at what will already be a challenging and emotional time.
Is an Advance Directive the Same as Advanced Planning?
An advance directive is a legal document for medical care and decisions that need to be made should a person no longer be capable of making those decisions. An advance directive is sometimes known as a living will. Advanced funeral planning is for planning out the details of a funeral ahead of a person’s death.
Will Life Insurance Cover My Funeral Costs?
Most families purchase life insurance in order to help their families pay for living expenses and other costs after their death. Due to economic changes and rising costs, there is a good chance that life insurance money could be depleted on funeral costs if paid for at the time of death. This is why pre-planning is a more economic option for most families. Also, life insurance policies can take some time for funds to be released, as they usually require a death certificate and other legal paperwork. These delays can add stress on the family who are already struggling with the grief of losing a loved one.
Contact Stanfill Funeral Home & Cremation in Lexington, TN
If you are interested in preplanning your funeral and final arrangements, please contact Stanfill Funeral Home & Cremation in Lexington, TN. Our team is dedicated to ensuring you receive the compassionate care you deserve as you plan for this stage of life. We proudly serve Henderson County and the surrounding areas.