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1/8/1935 – 10/4/2024

Bruce L. “Butchie” Taylor passed away October 4th, 2024, at his home at the age of 89. He is survived by a sister, Joy Sue Wood, a daughter, Tammy Taylor (Debbie), a son, Ricky B. Taylor (Paula). He also leaves his grandchildren, Andee Taylor Horton (Matthew), Heather Swafford and Tyler Ross. He had eleven great grandchildren and one great, great grandson.

He was preceded in death by his parents, Rube and Shortie Taylor, a sister, Katie Lou Wilson, brothers, Curtis Taylor and Leon Taylor and a son, Tony Alan Taylor.

Butchie worked as a truck driver and also worked at Harding Machine, Delavan and Henderson County Solid Waste.

Butchie loved sitting on his back porch and feeding the many squirrels and birds that came to visit him.  He also loved playing golf and going to races with his friends.

The family would like to thank all the family and friends who have provide support and many meals during these last few days.

Visitation will be held at Stanfill Funeral Home and Cremation with the date & time to be announced.


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