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3/7/1933 – 10/13/2023

Faye Carolyn Edwards passed away October 13th, 2023 in Bells Nursing Home at the age 90. She was preceded by her husband Billy Joe Edwards, her parents Lucian Lee and Flora Elizabeth Nanney, her siblings Jamie Nanney, Bernadeen Stutts, and Charlene Galtelli, her children Rickey Edwards and Gary Edwards, and grandson Justin Edwards. She is survived by her siblings of Ray Nanney and Betty Blasingame, her children Debra (Ed) Talley, Pamelia (Wayne) Carroll, and Shelia (Brian) Edwards, her daughter-in-laws Laura Edwards and Patricia (Johnny Mac) Williams, her grandchildren Gary Edwards Jr., Alesha Edwards, Joey Edwards, Kevin Edwards, Jay Stewart, Jonathan Stewart, Brandon Carroll, Nathan Carroll, Loren Carroll, Erin Crooks, Shane Buckley, and Paden Buckley, her greatgrandchildren Lilly Buckley, Emette Buckley, Elsie Buckley, Adien Buckley, Eston Buckley, Grant Carroll, Austin Carroll, Sadie Carroll, Scarlett Carroll, Jane Carroll, Liam Crooks, Greyson Griffin Stewart, Josh Edwards, Kimberly Graves, Rickey Edwards III, Brianna Edwards, Carrie Lee Long, and Makenzie Edwards Paschal, her great- greatgrandchildren Olivia Griffin, Bexley Graves, and Lillian Jo-Lynn Edwards.

Her visitation will be held Sunday October 22nd, 2023 at Bells Church of Christ from 12:30pm-2:30pm with her service to follow at 2:30pm.

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