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12/17/1937 – 10/2/2023

James E. Hamlett passed away October 2nd, 2023 in Lexington, TN at the age of 85. He was preceded by
his parents Roy and Ruby Hamlett, his wife Rita (Sue) Hamlett, his brother Bobby Hamlet, his child
Quincy E. Hamlett, and great Granddaughter Cierra Hagemann. He is survived by his children Shon
(Hamlett) Wiginton, Jason Hamlett (Tammy), Michael Mullaney (Julia), and Kevin Mullaney, his
grandchildren Chasity Smith, Tyler Smith (Destiny), Vann Ivy, Cameron Bryant (Kylie), Hailey Hamlett,
Michael Mullaney Jr., John Mullaney, Natalie Mullaney, Abigail Mullaney, and his great grandchildren
Ray Cox Jr., Carson Carter, and Everett Carter, along with a multitude of nieces, nephews, cousins, and
friends, all of whom he loved dearly. Mr. Hamlett was a wonderful dad and friend. He is a retired US
Army veteran with 21 years of service. He loved fishing with his grandchildren and friends. He was a
great man of faith and loved spreading the word of God. He is leaving a great legacy behind and will
truly be missed by family and friends. The family would like to thank Gentiva Hospice and especially his
nurse and personal friend, Megan Williams.

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