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8/2/1937 – 9/25/2024

Jewel Helen Powers passed away on September 25th, 2024 in Jackson, TN at the age of 87. She was preceded by her parents Tencie Montgomery and Homer Montgomery, her husband James Norman Powers, her brothers Willie Montgomery, GW Montgomery, Charles Montgomery, and Robert Montgomery, her sister Edna Moore, and her son James Larry Powers. She is survived by her sister Zelma Tomlinson, her sons Norman Gary Powers (Pam) and Charles Thomas Powers (Cathy), her grandchildren Wendy Nichols, Stephanie Thompson, Nicholas Powers, Stephen Powers, and Matthew Powers, along with 9 great grandchildren, 3 great-great grandchildren, and a special friend Debbie Crownover. She truly loved spending time with her family and spending time outdoors. She was loved all and will be deeply missed by everyone blessed enough to have known her. 

Her visitation will be held at Stanfill Funeral Home & Cremation Thursday September 26th, 2024 from 4pm-8pm. Her visitation will recommence Friday September 27th, 2024 from 9am-11am with her graveside service to follow at Lexington Cemetery.

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