Leon Meek

On October 10th, 2023, Leon Meek slipped from this world into another to be reunited with those he missed most and longed to be with: his Mom and Dad James and Nancy (Webb) Vroman, his cousin Shonda Meek, and his grandparents Sweet Pea and Pauline Lance and Irene Meek. Leon chose life and fought hard, but his battle with lung cancer was short. He often stated, “I’m not going down without a fight!” He stayed positive every step of the way. To know him was to love him, as he had a way of “choosing” his family. He was known to many as their “Ankle” Leon or Fairy God Mother. He brought joy and sparkle to everyone and everything he touched. He would sprinkle a little “fairy dust” and make everything better. He enjoyed the holidays, especially Christmas. You could find him decorating trees even in October. He was Santa’s helper forsure. He loved all things “Disney” and “Gone with the Wind.” He adored being involved in the pageantry world in any capacity. He judged a multitude of local pageants, would be the MC of our local Fairest of the Fair, coach on the state level in Illinois, and would occasionally help with a few contestants in Ms. America World. Leon was well known to the public as the “face” of Rent One, being the only consistent employee in the last 10 years, but he refused to take on the management duties entirely. You would often find him, with a cold Bud Light in hand, breaking into dance with “good music”, 80’s music of course. He was fond of gracing the beaches of the Emerald Coast as often as possible. He loved soaking up the sun and salt water. He leaves behind his faithful companion and pet Grizabella, the Glamour Cat, his father Jimmy (Kathy) Meek of Reagan, TN, two sisters Jackie Bousman and Walea Hopper both of Lexington, TN, two brothers Jeremy Hopper of Louisiana and Ricky Thomas Jr. of Chicago, IL, along with several cousins, nieces, nephews, and god-children. He also leaves behind his chosen family: lifelong friend/daughter/sister Amy Keen, lifelong friend/sister Tina Hummer, lifelong friend/sister Michelle Elliott, his work wife Casey Kelly and her son Jase, his work wives Natalie Johnson and Brandy Funderburk, and the rest of the crew “B” Branden Scott, Josh Williams, and Donny Crowe.
“For as long as you remember me, I am never entirely lost.”
His Celebration of Life will be held at Stanfill Funeral Home & Cremation October 21st, 2023, from 11- 1pm with his service to follow at 1pm. In lieu of flowers the family requests donations be made to American Cancer Society and Jackson TN LQBTQ+ Organization.