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2/12/1935 – 4/21/2024

Maureen Terry Curran, 89, passed away peacefully at home on April 21, 2024. Maureen was born February 12, 1935, in New Orleans, Louisiana as the only child of Helen McNair Terry and Nolan Earl Terry. 

She was preceded in death by her parents; her former husband Richard “Dick” Curran; son-in-law Gary Stanfill (Trish); and her best friend Judy Mitchell.

She is survived by her six children: son Tom Curran; son Mike Curran and daughter-in-law Lek; daughter Trish Stanfill; son Jeff Curran and daughter-in-law Gina; son Tim Curran and daughter-in-law Xan; and daughter Megan Taylor. She leaves the legacy of 14 grandchildren: Jackson, Parker, Gary Ray, Reece, Payton, Chris, Amber, Haley, Jake, Caroline, Tim Jr, Shelby, Brooke, and Curran; along with eight great-grandchildren. 

Maureen grew up in Pass Christian, Mississippi and graduated high school in 1952 from St. Joseph Academy where she made many lifelong friends. She studied at Tulane University in New Orleans and maintained a love for the city throughout her life, sharing her heritage with her family through stories of parties at Pat O’Brian’s and jambalaya at every family reunion. She made many trips back to New Orleans over the years.

Maureen and her family moved to Huntsville, Alabama in 1970 where she enjoyed her time working at Sears and the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH). 

Affectionately known as “Gram,” she was extremely proud of her grandchildren and loved spending time with them. She remembered every birthday and used them as an opportunity to show her love for her family. 

Maureen moved to Lexington, Tennessee in 2021, spending time with her daughters and beloved cats. The family gathered annually in Lexington to be together, and these were some of her favorite memories. She will be sorely missed by her family and friends but is reunited in peace with many that preceded her. 

A memorial service will be held in Huntsville on May 24th at Holy Spirit Catholic Church.

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