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3/17/1936 – 9/29/2024

Patsy Ruth Scholle Blair, affectionately known as Mamaw, died surrounded by loved ones on September 29, 2024. Pat was born on March 17, 1936 in Coldwater, Kansas, to George and Ruth Scholle. Upon marrying Robert Blair in 1955, she proudly served as a Navy wife for 20 + years. Their last assignment was in Millington, TN, where Pat worked at the Navy Exchange, supported the Millington Trojans, and made many friends. Later in retirement, they relocated to Dyersburg, TN, to be near family. She and Robert, “Gene,” spent their time traveling the United States, spending time at grandchildren’s and great grandchildren’s many events, and following NASCAR racing with friends in their timeshare in Daytona Beach, Florida. Pat is survived by her son, Ronald Blair and wife, Nancy Hudson Blair, of Lexington TN; her son, Brian Blair and wife, Penny Castleman Blair, of Dyersburg, TN; four grandchildren, Reece Blair (Casey), Ryan Blair (Shannon), Cari-Beth McDonald (Brooks), and Mari-Kate Estes (Brandon); eight great grandchildren: Kolby Pratt, Brody McDonald, Walker Blair, Bailey Blair, Blair McDonald, Marley Blair, Hayes Estes, and Mary Clayton Estes. She is preceded in death by her husband of 65 years, Robert “Gene” Blair, her parents, her brother Frank “Bud” Scholle, and sisters Bert Urban and Shirley Coonfield.

There will be a private family service on Wednesday, October 16th, with internment to follow at Tennessee State Veterans Cemetery at Parkers Crossroads. In lieu of flowers, the family requests memorials be directed to: Dyer County Community Cancer Fund, Henderson County Tennessee Carl Perkins Child Abuse Center, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital or the charity of your choice.


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