Paul David Morris

Paul David Morris passed away on March 23, 2025 in Jackson, TN at the age of 72. He was preceded by his parents Floyd Morris and Louise Whitten Morris Rush, his brothers Wayne Morris and Coy Morris, and his sister Ollie Morris Martin. He is survived by his brother George Morris, his sister Anita Self, his children Chris Morris, Brandon Morris, and Eric Morris, as well as 6 grandchildren.
In lieu of flowers or gifts, please donate to Boy Scout Troop 119 in Lexington, TN in care of George Morris or First Bank in Lexington, TN. Make checks payable to Boy Scouts Troop 119 of Lexington, TN.
A memorial service for Mr. Paul Morris will be held April 26th, 2025 at the First Methodist Church in Lexington, TN. Visitation will begin at 1PM with a service to follow at 3pm.