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1/27/2013 – 11/16/2023

Shawna Lee Cole passed away November 16th, 2023 in Lexington, TN at the age of 10. She was preceded by her great grandparents Author Cole, Stella Cole, Bill Mead, Dorothy Mead, William Horton, and Dorothy Horton, her grandparents Gerald Cole, Karen Delany, and Roger Horton, her uncles David Cole, Jeff Maxon, Jeff Kuhn, and Christopher Lott. She is survived by her parents Shawn and Andrea Cole, her grandmother Faith Horton, her brothers Brandon Cole, Blake Cole, Bradley Cole, Zachary Cole, Jabez Cole, and Tyler Cole, her sisters June Cole, Marie Cole, and Anastasia Cole, her nephew Sylas Cole, her aunts and uncles Faith Cole, Daniel (Lisa) Cole, Paul Cole, Dawn (David) Westfall, Becky Cole, Shane (Cansuela) Cole, Shannon Cole, Dorothy Horton, Ashley (James) Wieberg, Christina Lott, Christopher (Missy) Horton, Dustin (Jessica) Horton, Daniel Horton, Charity Kuhn, Hailey Horton, Alyssa Horton, along with several cousins, and nursing staff. Shawna was known as “Our Little Princess.” She loved to be outside, go to the zoo, swing on a swing, and jump on the trampoline with her dad. She brought joy to everyone who knew her. Shawna was always laughing, playing with her toys, and climbing on the furniture. She really enjoyed being put in her tomato chair, pushed around the house, and pretend to crash. She loved to hate, and hated to love, to have someone hold her hand and assist her to walk. She was loved by everyone who met her, especially her mom and dad. She would light up any room she was in. She will be greatly missed by everyone who knew her.

Her visitation will be held at Stanfill Funeral Home & Cremation Monday November 20th, 2023 from 2pm—7pm. Her visitation will recommence Tuesday November 21st, 2023 from 2pm-4pm with her service to follow at 4pm.

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