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6/15/1945 – 9/29/2024

After a brief illness, Bettye Blue Sullivan (79) of Lexington, Tennessee passed away Sunday September 29th, 2024 peacefully and surrounded by loved ones. She was born June 15th, 1945 in Jackson, TN to Bob Evans and Bettye Blue Boston. Bettye was a graduate of Lexington High School and later completed her Bachelor of Arts in Special Education from the University of TN, Chattanooga. She married John Hugh Sullivan, DDS in 1964 with whom she had 2 children. Bettye taught Special Education before becoming a homemaker in 1985, when she began working as a paralegal for West Tennessee Legal Services until her retirement. Bettye Blue (BB as they called her) was an active and faithful member of the Deborah Sunday School Class and First United Methodist Church, even as her health and eyesight deteriorated; Bettye was a lifetime lover of animals, loved all things sparkly, had a great taste in music, and was a fan of Memphis Tiger Basketball and University of TN Football. Bettye Blue is survived by her daughter Kellye Blue Sullivan Franklin, son John Hugh Sullivan II, grandchildren John Hugh Sullivan III (Trip) of Memphis TN, Knox Franklin and Taylor Franklin of Lexington, TN and her beloved fur babies, Lexi and Lucky. Ms Sullivan was preceded in death by son in law Brad Franklin and her parents. There will be a small private ceremony at a later date. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be sent to Florence Hensley Animal Shelter or to the First United Methodist Church in Lexington, TN. We want to express a heartfelt Thank You to the staff of Decatur County Manor and Acsera Hospice for the unwavering and loving care Bettye received in their care. 

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