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1/3/1976 – 12/22/2023

Jesse Melton passed away December 22nd, 2023 in Huron, TN at the age of 47. He was preceded by his father Charles Ray Melton Sr., his sister Diny Ann Melton, and 1 great niece. He is survived by his mother Christine Melton, his brother Charles Ray Melton Jr., his sisters Charlette (Ellis) O’Guinn and Mary Melton Bastek, his niece’s Chyenne (Dustin) Arnold and Karissa (CJ) Sherwood, his nephews Daryl O’Guinn and Dakota (Christina) Bastek, his 2 great nephews, and 12 great nieces. Jesse was a gentle giant and a caring soul. Even with his many health issues he never lost his positivity, and he never met a stranger. He enjoyed watching shows with his mother and playing video games when he got the chance. He loved to stay in touch with all of his high school friends. He loved it when his nieces and nephews would come to visit. To know him was to love him and he will be greatly missed by all.

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