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7/15/1953 – 3/10/2024

Thomas William John Owens passed away March 10th, 2024, in Nashville, TN at the age of 70. He was preceded by his Father Francis Williams Owens and Mother Sharon Mae Owens. He is survived by his wife and “light of his life” for 40 years Victoria Renee Owens, his brothers Steven Leroy Boyd Owens, Walton Dean Owens, and Donald Bruce Owens, his sisters Deborah Lee Merrell, his daughters April Michelle Gurganus (Derrick), Megan Renee Hansel (Jacob), Shelby Leigh Hightower (Ricky), his grandsons Zachary Phelps, Avery Gurganus, Wyatt Hightower, Jace Hightower, and Waylon Hightower, and his granddaughters Baleigh Gurganus, Samantha Hansel, and Elizabeth Hansel along with a many other loved ones, family, and friends. Mr. Bill was a barber for 50+ years and lived life to the fullest. He was an honorably and humble man of God. He loved his wife, daughters, and grandchildren to no measure.

His memorial visitation will be held Friday March 15th, 2024, at Stanfill Funeral Home & Cremation from 2pm-5pm with his memorial service to follow at 5pm.

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