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Doris Faye Wood Johnson

11/1/1931 – 1/2/2024

Doris Faye Wood Johnson was born November 1, 1931, to the late Ervin and Elna Scott Wood. Doris departed this life peacefully on January 2, 2024. Doris’ life was a testimonial to her personal conviction. She modeled all of her attributes in everything she said and did. One of the ways that she became such a woman of God was due to having a mother who taught her these virtues. Doris observed and…

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Marcia Damron Gallardo

9/24/1946 – 12/27/2023

Marcia Damron Gallardo passed away December 27th, 2023 in Lexington, TN at the age of 77. She was preceded by her parents George Damron and Jewell Damron Green and her sister Brenda Evans. She is survived by her daughter Ashley Pierce Douglas (Steven), her niece Anisa Evans (Brenda), and her nephew Brian Evans…

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Jesse Eugene Melton

1/3/1976 – 12/22/2023

Jesse Melton passed away December 22nd, 2023 in Huron, TN at the age of 47. He was preceded by his father Charles Ray Melton Sr., his sister Diny Ann Melton, and 1 great niece. He is survived by his mother Christine Melton, his brother Charles Ray Melton Jr., his sisters Charlette (Ellis) O’Guinn and Mary Melton Bastek, his niece’s Chyenne (Dustin) Arnold and Karissa (CJ) Sherwood, his nephews…

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Jeffery Wayne Whitehead

6/30/1972 – 12/4/2023

Jeffery Whitehead passed away December 4th, 2023 in Lexington, TN at the age of 51. He was preceded by his father James Whitehead and stepfather Gary Lunsford. He is survived by his mother Bessie Lunsford, his sister Elizabeth Farley, his brothers Bobby Farley and Jamie Whitehead, his children Jasmine Terry, Madison Rogers, Breanna Whitehead, Haley Whitehead, Nathaniel Whitehead, and his…

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Richard Dean Miller

8/11/1954 – 12/1/2023

Richard “Rick” D. Miller passed away Friday December 1st, 2023 in Huron, TN at the age of 69. He was preceded by his parents Jacob B. Miller and Rose Ann Miller (Davis), his wife Debra M. Miller, and his sister Barbara Miller. He is survived by his brothers, Gary Miller and Dennis Miller, his sister Diana Van Cleve (Jeff), his daughters Deb Randolph Miller (Keith Morrow), Stephanie (George)…

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Issac Thomas Whitwell

12/7/1926 – 11/26/2023

Issac Thomas Whitwell passed away on Nov 26th, 2023, in Jackson TN at the of 96. He was 2 weeks away from 97. He was preceded by his parents Felix and Essie May Whitwell, his brother Paul Black Whitwell (1929-1930), his sisters Loudean Jones and Ivadean Hickerson. He is survived by his wife of 76 years and the love of his life Helen Charlene Whitwell, his son Tommy Whitwell, daughter Charlotte Kizer…

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Richard Miles Moore

11/20/1957 – 11/27/2023

Richard “Rick” Moore passed away Monday November 27th, 2023 in his home at the age of 66. He was preceded by his parents Travis and Frances Moore, his sister Diane Ramsey, and his grandson Anthony Smith. He is survived by his wife Karen Lindsey Moore, his brother Troy Moore, his son Ricky (Jennifer) Moore, his daughter Lisa Moore, his grandchildren Alysa Smith, Nicole Moore, Emma Moore, Hailee…

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Ronnie Dale Scott

7/6/1953 – 11/19/2023

Ronnie Scott passed away November 19th 2023 in Lexington, TN at the age of 70. He was preceded by his parents Cledis and Norma Scott, his brother Larry Scott, his sister Lesa Scott, his stepson Steven Jones, and nephews Bradley and Christopher Moland. He is survived by his wife Barbara Scott, his brother Stevie Scott, his sisters Diana Scott, Judy Ramex, Patricia Scott, and Misty Puckett, his…

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Shawna Lee Cole

1/27/2013 – 11/16/2023

Shawna Lee Cole passed away November 16th, 2023 in Lexington, TN at the age of 10. She was preceded by her great grandparents Author Cole, Stella Cole, Bill Mead, Dorothy Mead, William Horton, and Dorothy Horton, her grandparents Gerald Cole, Karen Delany, and Roger Horton, her uncles David Cole, Jeff Maxon, Jeff Kuhn, and Christopher Lott. She is survived by her parents Shawn and Andrea Cole,…

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Betty Maness Delk

8/4/1945 – 11/15/2023

Betty Maness Delk passed away November 15th, 2023 in Madison County at the age of 78. She was preceded by her mother Myrtle Christopher and her son Richard Paul Maness. She is survived by her husband David Delk, her sisters Sandra Harrington and Kim Eason Lancaster, her children Michelle (Chris) King and Richard (Angela) Maness, her grandchildren Jacob (Kimberly) Maness, William (JoAnna) Maness,…

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