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Janie Crownover Davis

5/27/1960 – 1/30/2025

Janie Crownover Davis passed away Thursday, January 30th, 2025, in Jackson, TN at the age of 64. She was preceded by her parents JC and Betty Crownover. She is survived by her husband of 49 years Mike Davis, her brothers Gary (Darlene) Crownover and Jimmy Crownover, her sisters Cathy Avery, her sons Ben (Susan) Davis and Will (Candi) Davis, her grandchildren Sophie and Logan Davis and Josh,…

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Pauline Fesmire Jowers

2/3/1940 – 1/30/2025

Pauline Fesmire Jowers passed away January 30th, 2025, in Lexington, TN at the age of 84. She was preceded by her parents John Dee and Martha Fesmire, her brothers Charlie, Cloy, Wesley, James, and Franklin Fesmire, her sisters Elizabeth Fesmire, Lorene Fuller, and Voncille Fisher, and her grandson Justin Daniel Wisinski. She is survived by her children Paula Wisinski and Ricky Lynn Jowers, her…

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John Neal Moffitt

3/26/1949 – 1/25/2025

John Neal Moffitt passed away on January 25th, 2025 at his home in Lexington, TN at the age of 75. He was preceded by his parents Lillie Ruth Murren Moffitt and Jess Willard Moffitt, and his brother Sidney (Vickie) Moffit. He is survived by his brothers Samuel Moffitt, Randall Moffitt (Dana), Jimmy Moffitt, his sisters Annette Greenway (Claude), Jane Wood (John), and Cindy Moffitt Yelverton…

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Seldon Edwin Riles

5/25/1951 – 1/26/2025

Seldon Riles passed away on January 26th, 2025 at his home in Huron, TN at the age of 73. He was preceded by his parents Robert and Linnie Sue Roysdon, and his daughter Jeannie Kelly. He is survived by his wife of 7 years and friend of 63 years, Laura Jane Riles his children Brian (Diane) Riles, Marcia (Billy) McOwen, and Dakota Riles, his grandchildren Taylor and Jacob McOwen, Ciara (Alex)…

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Gracie Sheffield

12/1/1948 – 1/21/2025

Gracie Sheffield passed away on January 21st, 2025, in Jackson, TN at the age of 76. At the time of her passing she was retired. She enjoyed her former occupations as a Business Owner, Over the road truck driver and drafting building plans including the new addition for Crump First Baptist Church. She loved her family, friends, and pets deeply. Before her death, she let her family know she was…

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Gary Dale Holloway

3/11/1961 – 1/22/2025

Gary “Two-Barrell” Holloway passed away on January 22nd, 2025 at his home in Lexington, Tennessee at the age of 63. He was preceded by his father Charles Teddy Holloway of Pocahontas, AR, his sister Angie Kee, and his grandson Phillip Sampon Thornhill. He is survived by his mother Beverly Atkins Hand of Supply, AR, his wife Kim Maness Holloway, his sisters Debbie Junkersfeld, Laura Avery, and…

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Scott Kevin Williams

7/12/1958 – 1/20/2025

Scott Kevin Williams passed away January 20th, 2025, at his home in Cedar Grove at the age of 66 after several months of illness. He is survived by his only son Robert John Williams, his Grandson, Robert Edwin Williams, his brothers Jay Williams and Ernie Williams. Scott was a Navy Veteran and retired as a Captain from the Merchant Marine. He will be buried at sea per his wishes. He is preceded in…

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Russell Lee Griffin

7/14/1969 – 1/16/2025

Russell Griffin passed away January 16th, 2025, in Decaturville, TN at the age of 55. He was preceded by his parents Barbara Dobbs and William Griffin, and his brother Billy Griffin. He is survived by his brothers Mike, Don, David, and Dale, his sisters Carol, Donell, Kathy, and Lynn, his children Krystal, Kimberly, and Cassey, along with 6 grandsons, Nathan, Michael, Cyriss, CJ, Caleb, and Isaac,…

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Robert Steven Essary

8/2/1965 – 1/16/2025

Robert Steven Essary passed away Thursday January 16th, 2025, in Lexington, TN at the age of 59. He is survived by his only daughter Alicia Broadway, his stepmother Judy Essary, his nephew Joseph Essary, his uncles Dan Essary and David (Deborah) Essary, his aunt Faye (Jim) Blankenship, and his grandson Noah Broadway. He is preceded by his parents Charles and Robin Essary, his sister Sharon Essary,…

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Debra Elizabeth Talley

2/27/1962 – 1/13/2025

Debra Elizabeth Talley “Debbie” passed away Monday January 13th, 2025, in Jackson, TN at the age of 62. She was preceded by her father Bobby Neely, her brother Ronnie Brooks, her father-in-law Charles Talley, her mother-in-law Sue Talley, and her niece Rebecca Brooks. She is survived by her mother JoAnn Gurley, her husband of 46 years Mike Talley, her sister Renee Talley, her children Tammy…

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