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Kenneth Neal (Kenny) Cron

9/12/1946 – 12/2/2024

Kenneth Neal (Kenny) Cron age 78 passed away on December 2nd, 2024 at his home in Lexington, TN, after a short bout with aggressive cancer. Kenny was born September 12th, 1946, in Graham, CA, shortly thereafter he moved to the Newhall / Saugus, CA area where he was raised and attended Wm. S. Hart High. He remained in the area until the mid-70’s then moved to TN. He later moved back to Ventura…

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Michael Leon Taylor

1/16/1972 – 11/5/2024

Michael Leon Taylor passed away on November 5th, 2024, in Lexington, TN at the age of 52. He was preceded by his mother Mattie Louise Taylor and his brother Earnest Irons. He is survived by his wife of 26 years Sharon Taylor, his daughter Ebonie Stackins, his son Tevin Taylor, his stepdaughter Chummere Yarbro, his stepson Michael Jenkins, his grandchildren Jatyra Stackins, China Stackins, and…

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Michael Edward Roland

12/13/1946 – 11/5/2024

Michael Edward Roland passed away on November 5th, 2024, in Lexington, TN at the age of 77. He is preceded by his parents Edward Franklin Roland and Exie V. Miller Graham, his brother Virgil Wayne Roland, his sister Shirley Roland Morgan, along with his beloved canine companions Maggie and Sporty. He is survived by his brother Odell Shirey Roland (Emily), his children Michael Edward Roland Jr.…

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Sammie Angel Melton

10/28/1974 – 10/26/2024

Sammie Angel Melton passed away on October 26th, 2024, in her home at the age of 49. She was preceded by her father Sammy Melton, her brother Keith Dunivan, her sister Amanda Lindsey, her child Breana Renae Pearson, her grandparents Mavie B. Melton & James Eli Melton and Virgina Grimsley Rogers & Edward Rogers. She is survived by her mother Betty June Rogers-Whitaker, her brother John…

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Robert Gale Brittain

6/22/1945 – 10/25/2024

Gale “Bullmonkey” Brittain passed away October 25th, 2024, in Lexington, TN at the age of 75. He was preceded by his parents Robert Luther Brittain Jr. and Ruby Brittain, his brother Roger Brittain, and his sister Teresa Brittain. He is survived by his wife of 37 years Ann Brittain, his daughter Tracey Crowe (Jesse), his son Jeff Brittain, his stepson Jeff Davis, his grandchildren Paulina…

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Darrell Wood

11/6/1951 – 10/9/2024

Darrell Wood passed away October 9th, 2024, in Huron, TN at the age of 72. He graduated from Lexington High School in 1971. He retired after many years of working on the river as a mechanic on a barge. He enjoyed working on a multitude of projects at his home and helping out other people with theirs. He also loved fishing and his farm. He enjoyed visiting the mountains and going on “spur of the…

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Michael W. Poston

1/14/1951 – 10/11/2024
Michael W. Poston passed away October 11th, 2024, in Savannah, TN at the age of 73. He was preceded by his parents William Alivn and Ruby Lee (Eaker) Poston, his brother Ronald and Larry Poston, and his sister Rita George. He is survived by his brother Donald Poston of Savannah, TN and his sister-in-law Bernice…

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Patsy Ruth Scholle Blair

3/17/1936 – 9/29/2024

Patsy Ruth Scholle Blair, affectionately known as Mamaw, died surrounded by loved ones on September 29, 2024. Pat was born on March 17, 1936 in Coldwater, Kansas, to George and Ruth Scholle. Upon marrying Robert Blair in 1955, she proudly served as a Navy wife for 20 + years. Their last assignment was in Millington, TN, where Pat worked at the Navy Exchange, supported the Millington Trojans, and…

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Bruce L. “Butchie” Taylor

1/8/1935 – 10/4/2024

Bruce L. “Butchie” Taylor passed away October 4th, 2024, at his home at the age of 89. He is survived bya sister, Joy Sue Wood, a daughter, Tammy Taylor (Debbie), a son, Ricky B. Taylor (Paula). He also leaveshis grandchildren, Andee Taylor Horton (Matthew), Heather Swafford and Tyler Ross. He had elevengreat grandchildren and one great, great grandson.
He was preceded in death by his parents,…

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Arthur Jensen

11/25/1945 – 10/1/2024
Arthur Jensen passed away October 1st, 2024, after a long illness with lung cancer, at the age of 78. He was born on November 25th, 1945, in Woodstock, Illinois. He was one of eight children born to the late Morten C and Alice M. Jensen. He was a former Team Leader at Brake Parts in McHenry, IL for 22 years and retired from Northwestern Medical Hospital. Arthur was a Viet Nam Veteran of the United…

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